Developing an European “roundtable” will assist in the goal of creating a sustainable network for adventure therapy in Europe.
National representation in ATE ROUNDTABLE
- Each national adventure therapy organisation or network (large or small, formal or informal) is responsible for electing or nominating two representatives as ATE REPRESENTATIVES.
- In countries without a national network, members will often be someone attending the ATE who self-nominate. ATE encourages (/support) these individuals to develop a community of practitioners/academics in their home country.
- The ATE representatives will be known and available through our ADVENTURETHERAPY.EU website platform and will provide a connection to other national professionals and national networks of AT.
The role of ATE representatives
ATE representatives are committed to liaising between their existing national network (large or small, formal or informal) and ATE (or advancing the development of a national network), promoting AT nationally and representing ATE and its mission.
ATE representatives provide a link between the European adventure therapy community and people in their country or region that are involved in adventure therapy or closely related occupations. To do this, they undertake a range of activities that may include the following:
- Creating, joining or supporting the development of local, national and regional networks of people who are interested in adventure therapy
- Actively networking with people in their region who are in related occupations such as occupational therapy, psychotherapy, youth justice, nature-based therapies etc. to co-create a community of related occupations
- Promoting workshops, seminars, conferences and educational events related to adventure therapy, whether they be local, national or international
- Answering queries related to adventure therapy that they receive directly or via other ATE members.
- Linking with universities and training institutions that provide training, education and research in adventure therapy and related fields.
ATE Roundtable
- The ROUNDTABLE is a personal meeting of ATE representatives – at least twice per GATE
- one day before the GATE event
- and during the closing day of the same GATE event
- The Roundtable Committee comprises of the two ATE Representatives of every country
- Ideally, each pair of national ATE representatives
- will balance gender, culture and practitioner/academic,
- and understandthe range of adventure therapy practices within their nation or region
- In the Roundtable both representatives can participate, BUT each country has only one vote in the Roundtable meetings
Roundtable Membership criteria (ATE representatives criteria)
The following criteria frame the skills and work required and desired of representatives in our ATE mission:
- Essential: Passion, commitment and ability to fulfil their roles. Nationally linked with access to resources. Actively participate in national and international networks. Where possible can attend relevant conferences including international adventure therapy conferences.
- Desirable: Support and resources available for committee work. Willingness to develop opportunities to meet physically or by Skype. Access to a range of funding options.
ATE representatives commitments
- All ATE representatives try to be at the GATE and the pre- and post-GATE roundtable meetings. This means that they will convene every two years for one or two days prior to the start of the GATE Round Table, and possibly at times during or after the GATE.
- All national representatives (at least one person of each country) are expected to attend these meetings, or to send someone to replace them if they cannot attend.
- Incoming nationally elected ATE representatives are expected to attend but will not participate in decision-making processes.
- During gatherings, national ATE representatives will meet at nominated times as well as during a concluding business meeting to consolidate the new coordination team and identify future business/initiatives.
- In addition, it is desirable (not necessary!) for the ATE roundtable to meet once between conferences at the next host location to progress the work of ATE and support the local ATE host committee (for example 12 months after the last conference). Ideally, national associations (large or small, formal or informal) will support the attendance of at least one national representative. They can also, if this is not possible, meet through Skype and e-mail.
Term of service
- The term of membership for ATE representatives is a minimum of two years, at least until the next GATE. It should be decided nationally who is the ATE representative of your country. As such, the ATE network cannot intervene in national discussions.
- To ensure continuity of our ATE network, it is recommended that one national representative is replaced at the biannual Roundtable meetings during the GATE
- ATE is composed of national ATE representatives and a coordination team charged with the responsibility of conducting ATE business with guidance from the larger Roundtable committee. The coordination team will be elected democratically by ATE at each GATE