Welcome to Adventure Therapy Europe!
The Adventure Therapy Europe (ATE) network is for trainers, educators, therapists and other professionals interested in creating a common understanding of adventure therapy in Europe.
Every two years the ATE network hosts the Gathering of Adventure Therapy Europe (GATE) in a participating host country
Every 6 months the ATE network hosts an online round table meeting to gather representatives from each country to discuss the state of Adventure Therapy in their home country.
Everyone is welcome to participate, build new relationships, share skills, research, news, contribute to a working group and have fun!
Sound interesting? Join our news letter to stay informed and get involved!
The next GATE will be held in Latvia
in the scenic Sigulda District
from 19th to 22th of June 2024 (main conference).
More information on how to participate visit
The conference, with it’s theme CONNECTING BORDERS TO NEW HORIZONS, takes place over a one week including pre- and post conference activities and workshops.
Pre-conference activities: 17/06 – 18/06/2024
Conference seminars, workshops, classes: 19/06 – 22/06/2024
Post-conference activities: 23/06 – 25/06/2024 (Midsummer celebration Latvian style)
We look forward to welcoming you at the 4th GATE in Latvia in 2024!
Full information on how to participate visit
Join the next ATE Round Table Discussion
What is the round table? How can I participate? Click here to learn more !
Each participating European country has two representatives that
speak on behalf of the country at the biannual GATE Round table meeting
Current Country Representatives
The first GATE was held in February 2017

From the 1st until the 4th of February 2017, the partnership project organized the first GATE (Gathering for Adventure Therapy in Europe) in Valencia, Spain. The aim of this first event was to gather all AT practitioners and people who are interested in Adventure Therapy, not only from the 8 partnership countries, but to include more countries and practitioners.
With over 130 participants from more than 20 countries this first edition of the Gathering was a big success. Participants shared their knowledge and experiences through more than 20 workshops, the different European networks built bridges towards each other and we all spent some time dreaming about the future of AT in Europe. Keynote speakers Martin Ringer, Luk Peeters and Anat Raphael talked about the main theme of the GATE: ‘Back to the Roots’.
Overall, there was a great atmosphere and community feel to it all. Volunteers from Asociación Experientia did an outstanding job before, during and after and the GATE had everything we as a partnership hoped for: a lot of passion, motivated people, interesting content, a sense of belonging, some nice dance moves and a lot of energy and inspiration!
It really felt like the beginning of a bigger adventure together: the start of a European AT network and community…
We are already looking forward to the next GATE in 2019 in Germany. How about you?!
Reaching Further - Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project
A network of European trainers, educators, youth workers and therapists worked together in a Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “Reaching Further” from 2015 to 2017. Their goal was to create a common understanding of Adventure Therapy (AT) in Europe.
This page was developed as one of the resources to create a platform where all EU practitioners can share, exchange, explore and spread out the methodology of AT in Europe. In the future it can hopefully be a place to share knowledge, experiences and resources as well as a gate to connect practitioners in Europe.
If you have any information you would like to add, please let us know and write an email to: info@adventuretherapy.eu
Reaching Further
Reaching further was the name given to the application written to create the first European partnership regarding adventure therapy. The purpose of the partnership is to explore the healing effects of adventure education and experiential learning.
Mission and Goals
The purpose of the Partnership is to share knowledge, create common language and explore Adventure Therapy.
Eight countries participated at the beginning and each one was represented by one organization
Each organization sends two representatives to each meeting and the action groups all have individuals format least three countries. At every meeting there are also additional people from the hosting country for logistical reasons.
There would have been no meetings if not for the marvelous efforts of the associates. There needed to be food and lodging and paper and pens and pickups at the airport and train station and all the things that have to be in order to have a good meeting. These are the amazing people anyone would be lucky to know and work with.
Reaching Further worked according to a timeline set forth at the beginning of the partnership.
1st GATE
Valencia 1-4 February 2017
Experiential AT Workshops